We take authenticity and security seriously


What is blockchain certification?

Started in 2015 Verisart have pioneered a new patent-pending global standard for certification, enabling GENT London to create digital certificates registered on the blockchain.


How does it work?

Using the latest protocols on the Bitcoin blockchain our new GENT London digital certificates will be created for each of our (physical) pieces and by connecting the existing GENT London serialised holograms on the physical jackets, the blockchain certificate will be a permanent authentication for life. Furthermore, when you purchase your physical piece you will become the owner transferred via the digital certificate on sale. Within each piece a clothing label QR code takes you to the digital certificate online.

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Why blockchain certificate?

Blockchain certificates are secure and permanent meaning that the certificate cannot be cloned or stolen. We believe this extra layer of authenticity gives you added value and protection. Whilst GENT London creates the certificate we ensure that the intellectual property rights of each unique item is protected to you the buyer and the original artist.